Saturday, November 1, 2008

Can we know that we are saved

Below are abstract from RC Sproul – Chosen by God chapter 8 (Can we know that we are saved)

To be sure, stating our assurance of salvation may be an act of arrogance. If our confidence in our salvation rests in a confidence in ourselves, it is an act of arrogance.

(1) There are people who are not saved who know that they are not saved.
(2) There are people who are saved who do not know that they are saved
(3) There are people who are saved who know that they are saved.
(4) There are people who are not saved who “know” that they are saved.


Why should you go to Heaven?

80 percent gave an answer that involved some sort of “work righteousness.” People said things like, “I have gone to church for thirty years,” “I have perfect attendance in Sunday school,” or “I have never done any serious harm to anybody.”

They have done “their best” and that, they tragically assume, is good enough for God.

>>> William Hung 在American Idol也是如此說,他也希望評審能給他過關.

God requires perfection to get into his heaven.

參見 >>>>>>> (100point Grace)

From a biblical standpoint we must realize that it is still not only possible for us to have a genuine assurance of our salvation, but that it is our duty to seek such assurance, If assurance is possible and if it is commanded, it is not arrogant to seek it. It is arrogant not to seek it.

The apostle Peter writes:

(2 Peter 1:10, 11)
There are many Christian who are indeed in a state of salvation who lack assurance.
To be lacking in assurance is a grave hindrance to spiritual growth. The person who is not sure of his state of grace is exposed to doubts and terrors in his soul. He lacks an anchor for his spiritual life. His uncertainty makes him tentative in his walk with Christ.

Who can know for sure that he is not elect? – 這問題該是作者問基督徒.

If you are not sure, you would be well advised to make sure. Don’t ever assume that you are not elect. Make your election a matter of certainty.

The apostle Paul was sure of his election. He frequently used the term we when he spoke of the elect. He said toward the end of his life:

(2 Timothy 4:6~8)

(2 Timothy 1:12)

One Reformed theologian, A.A. Hodge, gives the following list of distinctions between true assurance and false assurance:

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